合一大學網站上傳於 2013.4.19
Q1: Dear Bhagavan, you talk about transformation of the Awakened people. How canI know that my transformation is in progress? How can I know that I am on the rightway? Could you please give some examples? Thank you, Bhagavan.
Sri Bhagavan: There are two kinds of experiences. The awakened experience and theconversion experience. We have different experiences. We first give you the awakeningexperience. This could either be sudden or gradual. This makes you awakened. When wesay you are awakened what it means is you could be aware of what is going on any time.
You could still get angry, you could still get hurt. But your awareness, you could instantly get out of it. The one who has had a conversion experience is a transformed person. He or she does not get angry or hurt in the first place. After your awakening we are moving to a deep conversion experience. Saints and sages have gone through the conversion experience. It is only if you have had a conversion experience you could get close to God. Those who have had this experience speak and talk with God.
Q2: Dearest Sri Bhagavan, how to establish Oneness Communities? Please,
give us some advice, Bhagavan.
Sri Bhagavan: First of all, those who want to be part of this community must be awakened.
You must then create a virtual community. You must know every other member of thiscommunity and be friends with them. And then you must take the intent to make it into aphysical community. Very soon miracles would start and you would actually see a physicalcommunity emerging, which means land would come, money would come, everything would start happening. All that would simply fall into place. The difficult part is to get awakened and to get to know other awakened people very closely and establishing friendship with them. Out of this friendship great things would emerge. I do bless that Germany soon will have a Oneness Community.
Q3: Thank you, Bhagavan. This question is from Bhagavan’s daily teaching: “God
is unknowable; like the cell can never know the body”. Dear Bhagavan, could you
explain this, please?
Bhagavan: You could walk and talk with God, but you cannot know or understand God. This applies to everything. Nothing can be truly understood. Nothing in this universe can really be understood. Nothing in this universe can really be known. It will not remain the unknown, but it would remain the unknowable. That is what it means.
Q4: Bhagavan, one of the main signs for being awakened is that there is no suffering.
What is the main sign for God-Realization, Bhagavan?
Sri Bhagavan: When you are God-realized you actually walk and talk with God. It is not theway of speaking, you could shake hands with God. It is that real. People are doing it now. Itwill soon happen to all awakened people. God will be your friend, not some imagined figure.
Q5: Dear Bhagavan, I am confused about different teachings. On one hand
I should go into helplessness and open up for the Divine to do it. Another teaching
says that I cannot expect the Divine to do everything, so it means still I have to do
Sri Bhagavan: Intent and effort is yours. Grace is from the Divine. You cannot do anythingwithout intent and effort. For example, one gentleman once came to me. He told me: I want a particular piece of land. I told him: Go and get it, I will help you. He said: No, no. He said: I will not move out of my house. Somebody must buy the land and then bring it to my house and give it to me. I told him: That is not possible. So you have your role to play, the Divine has its role to play. When we say helpless it does not mean not doing anything. It only means certain things you cannot do. There the Divine comes in. But some basic things you have got to do. Like that man should go and see a lot. He should go and raise funds then the Divine would help him everywhere. Of course, there are some exceptional cases. There are a few people in India whom we know. When they want some money they exactly tell AmmaBhagavan: This is the money we want. And, believe it or not, the cash appears in their hands. Not once in a while – every day. But these have an excellent bond with the Divine and so it is happening. If one does not have that kind of a bond, one has to put an intent and effort.
Q6: Sri Bhagavan says: “That awakened person must get transformed”. I humbly ask
Sri Bhagavan that when the person is not there, then who is getting transformed?
Sri Bhagavan: The observer is the observed. For the unawakened person there is this
division between the observer and the observed. When you get awakened this divisionseizes. You realize the observer and the observed are one. So, I shall repeat: if you seethe observer and the observed as separate, you are unawakened. Once you are awakened beyond the level you see that the observer and the observed are the same. That is the change we are talking about.
Q7: Thank you, Bhagavan. This is also from another Bhagavan’s daily teachings: “Godis being shaped and reshaped by us”. How can I understand this? I always thoughtthat God is leading us?
Sri Bhagavan: God has been there through time, the whole time. But as we change,God changes. As God changes, we too change because we are not separate from God.But always God is leading us because He is the whole and we are the part. In mysticaldimensions one can clearly see this.
Q8: Dear Bhagavan, love to you. So much love to you. My brother has a gambling
addiction and he is keeping this secret from his family. How can we help with
addiction and loaded secrets? Thank you.
Sri Bhagavan: Prayer and Deeksha would help. I’ll also help your brother.
Q9: Bhagavan, can you explain what the kundalini is and how it works in the
awakening – transformation – God realization process?
Sri Bhagavan: Kundalini is an energy which works on the chakras. The chakras aregateways to the brain. By acting on the chakras the kundalini works on the brain. It activates certain areas of the brain and de-activates certain areas of the brain. Through activation and de-activation, it brings about transformation in you.
Q10: Who are the light beings we sometimes see? Why are so many close to OnenessUniversity and its campusses?
Sri Bhagavan: These are awakened beings from the past. Some of them are thousands ofyears old. All of them are involved in this process of awakening humanity. You see them inlarge numbers at the University because work is going on at the University. If tomorrow you form a community, you’ll find them there.
Q11: Bhagavan, if time and space is an illusion, how does this relate to “past life
experiences”? Did past lives really happen in the past?
Sri Bhagavan: In higher mystical states we can clearly see how time and space are a mere illusion. Past lives do not mean they happened in the past. Past lives can be happening right now concurrently. But you have to be a great mystic to see that. It’s really amazing. We could be leading several lives at the same time. Not only in different realms but also on the same planet. It is not that you are only a single body. You could be in many bodies at the same time. One body of yours would be in Germany, another could be in the US, another could be in Africa, another could be in India. At the same time. It’s very difficult to understand this intellectually. But mystically one can see it clearly. Not only that, it could exist in several realms at the same time. We have about 21 realms. If one is awakened in all the realms, then in India one is called a Paramahamsa. Paramahamsa means awakened in all realms. The actual reality is very different from what we think it is. We are great and vast beings. Not the small being you think you are. But as you go on the path all these things will become very clear to you. With that would come late transformation.
巴關:在更高的神秘境界中,我們可以清楚的看到時間跟空間僅僅是幻相。“前世”不代表它發生在過去。“前世”可以是在現在同時發生。但是你必須是一個高深的神秘家(mystic)才可以看到這個現象。它是非常不可思議的。我們可以同時活好幾世。不僅是在不同的“界”(realm),也可以在同一個星球上。你並不只是一個身體。你可以同時活在很多個身體裡。你的一個身體可能在德國,另外一個在美國,另外一個在非洲,另外一個在印度; 而且是同時存在著。在心智上很難理解這一點。但是在神秘的領域裡,可以清楚地看到這一點。不僅如此,你也可以同時存在於不同的“界”。我們大約有21個界。如果一個人在所有的界中都覺醒了,那麼在印度我們稱這樣的人為帕拉瑪罕撒(Paramahams,字面的意思是“至尊的天鵝”)。帕拉瑪罕撒(Paramahamsa)代表在所有界都覺醒了。
Q12: Beloved Bhagavan. My deepest thanks for all the glorious gifts we get from You.Since my Awakening all experiences have become much more lively and intensive.
It feels as though now I start to really understand what you are saying. I start feelingYour wisdom and see the Divine Presence as the ultimate truth. But I also feel that Iexperience suffering stronger than before. How can I distinguish between my personalsuffering and the suffering of the others around me? Thank you, Bhagavan.
Sri Bhagavan: As transformation happens all this will become very clear.
Sri Bhagavan: Love you all.
All: We love You, Bhagavan.